7 Benefits of Women Lifting Weights

Does lifting weights make you bulky?

This is a common question asked in the fitness industry by women who are looking to get “skinny” or “toned”. The short answer is no you won’t. If getting skinny is important to you then you need to be focusing more on your diet than lifting weights. But if your goal is to be strong and confident, then weight training will help get you there. Cardio and weight training will help you burn a lot of fat but only weight training will help you maintain muscle. 

Women do not have enough testosterone for them to naturally get “bulky”. Without the excess consumption of calories and enough naturally occurring testosterone, then it would be extremely hard for women to ever get a “bulky” look.  

Here are 7 benefits of women lifting weights

  1. You will be physically stronger

    • Increasing your strength will make you far less dependent upon others for assistance in daily living. Everyday tasks will no longer push you the max. If you strength is increased, daily tasks and routine exercise will be far less fatiguing and much less likely to cause injury.

  2. You will lose body fat

    • As you gain muscle your basal metabolic rate (BMR) increases. Your BMR is roughly how many calories you burn in a day if you did nothing. Building more muscles causes your BMR to increase and therefore burning more calories a day and shedding that body fat off.

  3. You will gain strength without bulk

    • Women typically don’t develop big muscles from strength training because when compared to men , women have 30x less testosterone which is the hormone that cause muscle growth. Weight training does not make you bulky; Excess body fat does.

  4. You will reduce your risk of injury, back pain, and arthritis

    • Strength training not only builds stronger muscles but also builds stronger connective tissues and increases joint stability. This acts as reinforcement for the joints and and helps prevent injury. For example strengthening your glutes can help alleviate low back pain and and knee pain.

  5. You decrease your risk of osteoporosis

    • Weight training can increase bone mineral density. This coupled with adequate amount of calcium, can be a woman’s best defense against osteoporosis

  6. You will improve your athletic performance

    • Strength training improves athletic ability. Golfers can significantly increase their driving power. Cyclists are able to continue for longer periods of time with less fatigue.

  7. You can improve your attitude and fight depression

    • Strength training improves your mood because the act of exercise produces mood-improving neurotransmitters such as endorphins, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. In addition women who strength train commonly report feeling more confident and capable.

If you are ready to get stronger and healthier book a call with us!


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